Making The Most of Backyard Pools

Why and How?

Every day our swimmers are not in the water they are losing crucial swim muscles. Take advantage of backyard pools to develop competitive swim muscles. ONESwim now has a cohesive plan for swimmers to safely train in short backyard pools. Our method of optimizing resistance helps convert backyard pools into a simulated competitive pools. Not only do we offer 4 different kits to provide the needed resistance, but we also bundle all of that into turn key sets and set components that can be mix-matched for individualized workouts. Continue Reading…

Our kits start at $45.99 for 5 products!

Our kits start at $45.99 for 5 essential products for backyard pool training. We offer both Junior and Regular option versions of the kits.

Kit #1 includes: (junior and regular)

  1. Power Bags- the ultimate drag system to make your pool feel longer
  2. Resistance Gloves- adds resistance and feel of the water to the hand
  3. Wrist/Ankle Weights- adds small weights (1/4 & 1/2 lb) to the ankles or wrists
  4. Pull Band- neoprene ankle pull strap
  5. Kick Band- use around ankles for resisted kicking

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Kit #2 includes: (junior and regular)

  1. Same as Kit #1
  2. PowerChute- a parachute that sits on your stomach/ lower back and opens immediately off the walls
  3. Dual Ankle Buoy- ankle float for your pull sets that create some drag

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Kit #3 includes: (junior and regular)

  1. Same as Kit #2
  2. Half Long Cord Kit- build the intensity per length or into the turns

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Kit #4 includes: (regular ONLY)

  1. Same as Kit #3
  2. Weight Belt- add more weight to your waist during your sets

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