Power Chute

A Parachute on your back!

  • Opens up the moment you push off the wall
  • Underwater off walls = 10″-12″ parachute force
  • Swimming on surface = 8″ parachute force
  • Take the chute off and use the cups on your sides
  • When on your sides, it acts like Hip Fins to help you focus on rotation
  • To assemble:
    • Slide the cups over the belt
    • Attach one end if the Power Bag to each Cup


  • Power Chute 40 = belt, 2 Drag Cups, 1 Power Bag (PB40)
  • Power Chute 50 = belt, 2 Drag Cups, 1 Power Bag (PB50)
  • Power Chute Dlx = belt, 2 Drag Cups, 1 Power Bag (PB40), 1 pair Resistance Gloves (PB10)